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Probate Estate & Trust Administration:
What is needed?
We’ll make the entire Probate Court process as simple as possible for you. Probate is a legal process supervised by the court that is often required if sometime dies without previous estate planning in place. Its purpose is to clarify who inherits the deceased person’s property and ensure that all applicable debts and taxes are paid.
If you are the trustee of a trust, you are charged with the management of that legal instrument and the assets owned by it. Trust administration is the process of taking the steps required by state and federal laws to implement the instructions contained in the trust document itself. The complexity of this process depends on the provisions of the trust and the types of assets owned by it.
Trust Administration can involve several processes and procedures to ensure compliance with certain federal and state laws such as:
Beneficiaries must be properly notified of their interests in the trust
Trust assets must be invested according to certain standards
Debts properly payable from the trust must be paid
Creditors must be notified
Tax returns must be filed
Income and assets must be distributed according to the terms of the trust
The complexity of the probate estate and trust administration process may seem daunting, by with the help of experienced legal counsel, the pitfalls of the process can be alleviated or avoided.
Contact us via email at info@quinnestatelaw.com or by phone at 636-394-7242 for immediate assistance and to schedule your free one (1) hour consultation today to see how we can help with your family’s goals